lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

"Quizá la imaginación no sea más que la inteligencia que se divierte".
I. Sanchís

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008

Las Causas

"Los ponientes y las generaciones.
Los días y ninguno fue el primero.
La frescura del agua en la garganta de Adán.
El ordenado Paraíso.
El ojo descifrando la tiniebla.
El amor de los lobos en el alba.
La palabra. El hexámetro. El espejo.
La Torre de Babel y la soberbia.
La luna que miraban los caldeos.
Las arenas innúmeras del Ganges.
Chuang-Tzu y la mariposa que lo sueña.
Las manzanas de oro de las islas.
Los pasos del errante laberinto.
El infinito lienzo de Penélope.
El tiempo circular de los estoicos.
La moneda en la boca del que ha muerto.
El peso de la espada en la balanza.
Cada gota de agua en la clepsidra.
Las águilas, los fastos, las legiones.
César en la mañana de Farsalia.
La sombra de las cruces en la tierra.
El ajedrez y el álgebra del persa.
Los rastros de las largas migraciones.
La conquista de reinos por la espada.
La brújula incesante. El mar abierto.
El eco del reloj en la memoria.
El rey ajusticiado por el hacha.
El polvo incalculable que fue ejércitos.
La voz del ruiseñor en Dinamarca.
La escrupulosa línea del calígrafo.
El rostro del suicida en el espejo.
El naipe del tahúr.
El oro ávido.
Las formas de la nube en el desierto.
Cada arabesco del calidoscopio.
Cada remordimiento y cada lágrima.
Se precisaron todas esas cosas para que nuestras manos se encontraran."

Jorge Luis Borges (1977)

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Understanding collective behavior

Photo: Flickr
"Individuals can have a certain opinion on certain topics, and we can allow individuals to interact across a social network, and of course the social network's topology is partly defined by what opinions you have. You tend to interact more often with people who have similar opinions to yourself because you are more likely to meet them in your sphere of life. But interacting with people can change your opinions, which can then change your social network, which can change your opinions, so again we have this recursive feedback. And so we are using it to explore these types of properties? I am sure that these types of principles also would apply to understanding dynamics on the Web."
Edge 240: By Iain Couzin

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Paradox 57

Closed doors don't allow you to enter, but they don't let you leave either.
Winter is gone: spring will be much better!!!

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008


Veo: casas de colores reflejadas en un río exiguo.
Ves: el horizonte inabarcable del mar abierto.
Las estrellas, la luna y el sol: siempre serán los mismos...

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008

SAnd iN my sHoeS (music by Dido)

Two weeks away it feels like the world should've changed
But I'm home now
And things still look the same
I think I'll leave it to tomorrow till unpack
Try to forget for one more night
That I'm back in my flat on the road
Where the cars never stop going through the night
To real life where
I can't watch sunset
I don't have time
I don't have time

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I shake it all, forget you
Why, why would
I want to know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused, but
I wanna see you again

Tomorrow's back to work down to sanitation
run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
Try to remind myself that I was happy here
Before I knew that I could get on the plane and fly away
From the road where the cars never stop going through the night
To real life where I can't watch sunset
And take my time
Take up our time

I wanna see you again
Two weeks away, all it takes to change in time around by falling
I walked away and never said that I wanted to see again
I wanna see you again
I wanna see you again

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008


Nao te aflijas com a pétala que voa:
também é ser, deixar de ser assim


eu deixo aroma até nos meus espinhos,
ao longe, o vento vai falando em mim.

E por perder-me é que me vao lembrando,
por desfolhar-me é que nao tenho fim.

Cecília Meireles

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

Future perfect

What is now in the future but which will be in the past from our time of reference

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

So close, tan lejos

La luz del día,
o reflexo da noite
And the river flows

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

Les garçons ne pleurent pas (?)

Ai de ti, que nunca chorou...

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Now the world is known to be uncommonly various, which can be verified at any time by taking a handful of world and looking at it closely. (Kafka)

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008


Photo: Flickr